
Friday, October 14, 2011

Shijiazhuang start special police, armed police armed night patrols check the joint logistics

Shijiazhuang start special police, armed police armed night patrols check the joint logistics At 22:00 on the 14th, with the Shijiazhuang Municipal Public Security Bureau Guo Yunxing order, 17 110 police marched the streets of Hebei province, started the day joint logistics armed night patrols. To effectively combat and deter all kinds of criminal activities, Shijiazhuang, the police decided to carry out in the urban areas from 14 special police, armed police armed joint logistics at night ...Shijiazhuang start special police, armed police armed night patrols check the joint logistics

Primer ministro China promete yuan estable para exportadores

Primer ministro China promete yuan estable para exportadores SHANGHAI (Reuters) - El primer ministro chino, Wen Jiabao, dijo el sábado que el tipo de cambio de China se mantendría estable para proteger a los exportadores, reportó la agencia de prensa oficial Xinhua. Wen prometió que "un tipo de cambio ... Primer ministro China promete yuan estable para exportadores

Animation Festival cosplay debut play high-Jie

Animation Festival cosplay debut play high-Jie ANIMAX channel broadcast tonight with those of Japan "last exile" cartoon, this campaign for the show, held in Kaohsiung, animation festival, called cosplay parade, thousands of people about participation, but also to catch the MRT passengers attracted attention. A dress up "Silver Spirit" of God in music high school female student, said 16-year-old, came from Tainan, the family did not support her dress up cosplay, had to purchase the first line of work, because I wanted to cause ...Animation Festival cosplay debut play high-Jie

В Махачкале взорван продуктовый магазин

В Махачкале взорван продуктовый магазин Около 04.00 в поселке Шамхал, административно относящемся к Махачкале, у небольшого продуктового магазина сработало взрывное устройство. В результате взрыва здание магазина получило множественные повреждения. Пострадавших нет. ... В Махачкале взорван продуктовый магазин

G20财长欲协力遏制危机 英债回落

G20财长欲协力遏制危机 英债回落 英债期货周五(10月14日)重挫,但跌幅不及德债,因欧洲采取迅速行动解决欧元区债务危机的希望不断增强,提振股市。 欧洲股市收涨近1%,因20国集团财政和央行行长巴黎会议的首要议题是欧元区债务危机,德法两国官员试图 ... G20财长欲协力遏制危机 英债回落

28 ships stranded in Thailand back police lines protecting the first multinational convoy carrying guns

28 ships stranded in Thailand back police lines protecting the first multinational convoy carrying guns Local time last night, "10 ‧ 5 Mekong tragedy," the families of 13 Chinese crew members arrived in Thailand, Chiang Rai Chiang Saen county pier, memorial service will be held for the victims and their loved ones and family members to identify the remains of Chiang Rai Hospital. Family members unanimously expressed the hope the relevant parties as soon as possible investigation, punish the murderers of the aspirations and demands. Stranded in Thailand more than 28 Chinese ships are under the protection of the Chinese armed police, yesterday morning ...28 ships stranded in Thailand back police lines protecting the first multinational convoy carrying guns

危地马拉警方追捕前总统 指认其下令种族屠杀

危地马拉警方追捕前总统 指认其下令种族屠杀 据新华社电 危地马拉司法部门13日宣布前总统梅希亚为在逃嫌疑人,指认他在内战期间下令种族屠杀。 梅希亚现年80岁,1983年发动军事政变,推翻独裁者埃弗拉因·里奥斯·蒙特,出任危地马拉总统,1986年离职。 危地马拉当局 ... 危地马拉警方追捕前总统 指认其下令种族屠杀


张多星风情油画展 简介:此次名为"寻找失去的家园"的展览,共展出张多星20多幅油画作品。画家运用全景式镜头和蒙太奇的描绘手法,对乡土农民生存状态与情感给予多个角度呈现。 (卜昌伟) • 凡注明为其他媒体来源的信息,均为转载自其他媒 ... 张多星风情油画展

Relocation of the Futenma U.S. in the year of assessment submit requests Henoko

Relocation of the Futenma U.S. in the year of assessment submit requests Henoko In a meeting with Defense Minister Defense Minister Yasuo Ichikawa Panetta on the 25th of this month the U.S. government, U.S. Marine Corps Futenma Air Station (Ginowan, Okinawa) assessment of the results of a relocation agreement Henoko in Nago in the prefecture, "Environmental Impact Assessment Certificate "found that 14 requests the Japanese side to make a commitment to the county plans to submit later this year. ...Relocation of the Futenma U.S. in the year of assessment submit requests Henoko

Sony Ericsson apuesta por 'smartphones'

Sony Ericsson apuesta por 'smartphones' Ante el éxito del iPhone y dispositivos con sistema Android, la firma se enfocará en este mercado; la empresa se prepara para comprar toda su producción de "teléfonos avanzados" durante 2012. Los analistas consideran que la gama de dispositivos de Sony ... Sony Ericsson apuesta por 'smartphones'

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